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Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller


Tong Xu | 2009 | 157MINS | Mandarin


Li Baicheng is a charismatic fortune teller who services a clientele of prostitutes and marginalized figures whose jobs, like his, are commonplace but technically illegal in China. He practices his ancient craft in a village near Beijing while taking care of his deaf and dumb wife Pearl, who he rescued from her family's mistreatment. Winter brings a police crackdown on both fortune tellers and prostitutes, forcing Li and Pearl into temporary exile in his hometown, where he revisits old family demons. His humble story is told with chapter headings similar to Qing Dynasty popular fiction.

Director Profile

Tong Xu

Tong Xu

1965 生于北京,1987 毕业于中国传媒大学摄影专业。现在工作生活于北京。2008 完成纪录片《麦收》。2008 “迟疑”邱洪峰徐童作品展,高地画廊,798艺术区,北京。2008 完成小说《珍宝岛》。2007 《厌战EXHIBITION》艺术展,纽约艺术空间-北京。2007 《纸上的中国——性爱倾向》(China on paper:Eroticism)艺术展,美国纽约。2007 意大利国际艺术博览会。2006 “开玩笑”艺术展,玛蕊乐画廊(MARELLA GALLERA),北京798艺术区。2003 中国平遥国际摄影展。

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